Museum Magazine

Museum Magazine

The Swiss Museum Magazine is published by the Association of Museums in Switzerland (VMS) in collaboration with the International Council of Museums Switzerland (ICOM). At Hej, I created the new design concept for the magazine. The independent, handy format, the Swiss fonts «Neue Haas Unica Pro» and «Suisse Works», generous image sections and a high-quality uncoated paper characterize the magazine.


Design concept


Editorial design

© Photography: Yuma Greco

Museum Magazine

The Swiss Museum Magazine is published by the Association of Museums in Switzerland (VMS) in collaboration with the International Council of Museums Switzerland (ICOM). At Hej, I created the new design concept for the magazine. The independent, handy format, the Swiss fonts «Neue Haas Unica Pro» and «Suisse Works», generous image sections and a high-quality uncoated paper characterize the magazine.


Design concept


Editorial design

© Photography: Yuma Greco